Brown calls on legislature to fund wildfire readiness, response, and recovery plan [VIDEO]

Proposed legislation takes a comprehensive approach to wildfire preparation, mitigation, and adaptation 

SALEM, Ore. — Governor Kate Brown today detailed her support for Senate Bill 1536, which outlines a wide-ranging plan to lessen future impacts of wildfire on Oregon's communities and landscape. The plan was informed by high-priority recommendations from the Governor's Council on Wildfire Response, which she convened last year.

"Almost every fire season since I became Governor has been a historic fire season. We’ve seen unprecedented damage to our homes, livelihoods, and Oregon’s natural environment," said Governor Brown. "We know that fire seasons are only going to be more and more challenging. Studies suggest the comprehensive costs of wildfire are 11 times greater than the immediate costs of firefighting. By investing in restoration treatments and forest health, Oregon may avoid costly damages while simultaneously creating jobs in rural parts of the state. We have a real chance to make a difference ahead of the 2020 fire season, and doing nothing is not an option."

The Governor's full testimony is available here

Press release provided by the Office of Kate Brown, Governor of Oregon.