BOCC Business Meeting Minutes: January 30th

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Board of Commissioners Business Meeting

January 30, 2018 • 8:30 AM • Kl Co Government Center, Room 219


  • Public hearing on Proposed Supplemental Budget Resolution,
  • Budget Resolution voting
    • General Fund, District Attorney Operating Budget & Special Revenue Fund, 
    • General Fund, Clerk Elections
    • Law Library Fund
  • Cyber Security Training
  • Re-appointments in Wolf Depredation Advisory Council
  • Agreement with Chiloquin Solar LLC
  • Performance Grant Agreement #17.518 from Oregon Military Department Office of Emergency Management
  • Approving Investment Policy Statement
  • Rapid Reflective Flashing Beacon and Crosswalk on Lakeport Blvd.
  • Library Service District - Adopting the Klamath County Library Service District Collection Policy
  • Commissioners Reports