An Apology from Klamath Falls News

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In the light of recent events, Klamath Falls News has reexamined its position on reporting news of the Klamath Basin. Our intent has always been to produce good quality, positive stories that lift the community. In recent weeks we have strayed from that, and for that I apologize.

I apologize to you our friends, our followers, the news makers and area officials.

Klamath Falls News has realigned our brand and will return to publishing original content in the form of articles, interviews, and live broadcasts based on community interest and newsworthy stories effecting citizens of the Klamath Basin. We will continue to report on fires, water issues, and public safety where action may be required, such as evacuations. We will continue to hold weekly photography contests that unify the community. These along with other area stories will be the foundation of Klamath Falls News.

In addition to these stories, we will continue to publish submitted press releases from trusted sources.

However, we will limit the amount of negative news we publish, such as homicides, arrests and convictions. We will leave that to the other news teams. As for national issues, unless the issue has direct impact on the Klamath Basin, we will leave that to be covered by the other news organizations as well. Please note, I am not saying that these stories will never appear on Klamath Falls News, but they will appear less often.

We cannot control the content within the press releases that we publish as Klamath Falls News will never rewrite a press release. This ensures the information published is exactly what the author intended. Be aware that those words are not the voice of Klamath Falls News. Some releases can be filled with one sided bias information. Even still we may still publish the information, as we want to allow our friends, followers and readers to have the opportunity to educate themselves formulating their own opinion on what they chose to believe and trust.

Please note, the publishing of a press release does not constitute support or endorsement of that information, subject or position by Klamath Falls News. Conversely, if a release is not published it too does not constitute support or endorsement of the information, subject or position either.

We here at Klamath Falls News (reporting staff, freelance writers, editor and publisher) are not investigative journalists. We are here to produce good quality, positive stories that lift the community up.

With all that said, I sincerely apologize for Klamath Falls News leaning astray in recent weeks toward the negative and not focusing on more positive issues effecting the basin. If we have lead you to believe otherwise, I am sincerely sorry.

Brian Gailey, Publisher
Klamath Falls News