A letter from Marta's House


A letter from Marta’s House

Dear Community Partners,

In the midst of COVID-19, Marta’s House/Klamath Crisis Center continues to prioritize the safety of victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking. We know that abusers will exploit the COVID-19 pandemic as a power and control tactic towards victims, and that victims are exposed to an additional layer of violence in a quarantine situation. We also recognize that COVID-19 poses a threat to our families and community, we are taking several precautions to protect against the potential spread of infection.

As always, our 24/7, confidential hotline is available and can be reached at 541-884-0390. 

We are limiting walk-in services at this time, and are hoping to minimize person-to-person contact where we can.

Protection orders are available for pick up at our front door, and we will support the navigation of protection order over the phone. Protection order court hearings are currently being held over the phone, clients are welcome to host their phone hearing from our office with an advocate.

Our shelter is running as normal, taking additional internal measures to reduce potential germ spreading. We are asking residents to limit their outings to necessary in person appointments with service providers only. We are currently offering shelter residents transportation to medical appointments and prescription pickups.

While our support groups are not currently operating, please call us and we can add you to our future reach out list. Clients are welcome to call hotline to access support from an advocate.

We are not accepting donations at this time.

While we are certainly taking precautions where we are able to, we encourage community partners to continue to reach out to our hotline 541-884-0390, and our advocates will work to meet the needs of our clients and connect with the appropriate resources.

We have made temporary adjustments in staffing schedules and numbers to adhere to the stay at home order, social distancing guidelines and respond to school and public building closures. These changes are temporary and do not impact current service delivery for victims. 

The COVID-19 situation is fluid and rapidly evolving. We are committed to remaining flexible to be able to offer safety to all victims and survivors. We look forward to continuing to partner with you to serve our community through these times, and to reconnecting in person soon.

If you have questions please feel free to contact me.

Be well,
Christy David

Office Manager
Education & Outreach Coordinator
Marta’s House/Klamath Crisis Center
541-884-0390 Office