2020 Fire Season goes into effect in Klamath and Lake Counties

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LAKEVIEW, Ore. - Fire officials in Klamath and Lake Counties will officially declare fire season beginning Monday, June 1, 2020, at 12:01 A.M. on lands protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) Klamath-Lake District and Walker Range Fire Patrol Association. This affects all private, county, and state forestlands.

"We've hit that time of year when temperatures will start to dry out vegetation quickly and all fires have the potential to cause significant damage. We need to curtail burning and make sure the public is aware of the dangers so we can minimize that potential from human-caused fires," stated Dennis Lee, District Forester, Oregon Department of Forestry.

The "Fire Season in effect" declaration puts into place regulations restricting debris burning and timber harvest operations. Wildland and structural fire protection agencies in Klamath County have agreed to prohibit all outdoor debris burning. Forest operations that require a Permit to Operate Power Driven Machinery now are required to have fire tools, on-site water supply, and watchman service on privately owned forestland. Declaring "Fire Season" also prohibits the release of sky lanterns, the discharge of exploding targets or the discharge of tracer ammunition during this period.

The Lakeview Interagency Fire Center website, scofmp.org, is available to assist in keeping people informed of current and changing conditions for our area. Walker Range Fire Patrol Association can be contacted at 541-433-2451.

Source: SCOFMP