Detention Center Receives Upgrades

Klamath County Detention Center (Brian Gailey)

Klamath County Detention Center (Brian Gailey)

I would like to provide an update on the jail upgrade which has been underway for the past several months. This work is nearing completion. As a recap – the following information should be used:

February 2017:
It was determined the “28” year old technology used in operating key control functions of the jail needed to be upgraded. Without the upgrade, substantial liability existed. The unofficial estimate was $480,000.

April 25, 2017:
Commissioners approved a Request for Proposal (RFP)

June 20, 2017:
Board of County Commissioners approved a contract with Accurate Electric Unlimited for $399,887. Funds to pay for the upgrade were identified primarily from savings in unfilled deputy positions during the previous budget year.

Accurate Electric Unlimited began building (off-site) key components for the upgrade.

August 2017:
With the help of the entire law enforcement community, the jail began reducing the number of inmates being housed to facilitate the upgrade. This was due to having to shut down electrical power to a third of the jail at a time. The inmate population was reduced from “152” beds to “105” beds.

September 8, 2017:
Accurate Electric Unlimited began on-site replacement of all control panels, electronically activated locks, and cameras throughout the jail.

As of today, all three pods have been upgraded and are functional. The Klamath County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) is booking arrested persons using past criteria and the inmate population is again growing towards its full capacity of “152” beds.

During this upgrade, KCSO maintenance personnel used the opportunity, with help from inmate labor, to clean, paint, re-tile, and repair damaged areas of the jail. Once the upgrade is complete, the jail will be able to operate in future years with new technology which reduces the county’s liability and makes the jail a safer environment for all who work there or who otherwise spend time inside the walls of the jail.

Chris Kaber, Klamath County Sherriff 

Chris Kaber, Klamath County Sherriff 

Press release from Klamath County Sheriff, Chris Kaber.