1918 Pandemic subject of Facebook program

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KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic and its effects in Klamath County will be discussed in a live Facebook feed scheduled by the Klamath County Museum for 7 p.m. Thursday, April 30.

Museum manager Todd Kepple will review measures the community took to confront the virus that claimed millions of lives around the world

“It’s interesting to note that this current COVID-19 pandemic is not the first to have a local impact,” Kepple said. “The death toll from the 1918 pandemic was far greater, and included numerous people in Klamath County.”

Thursday’s program will include information on other epidemics that affected Klamath Falls.

Comments and questions may be submitted during the program through the museum’s Facebook page, at www.facebook.com/klamath.county.museum.

Because the museum is closed due to the coronavirus, there will be no presentation made in person. The program can be viewed live on Facebook, or after Thursday on the museum’s YouTube channel.

For more information contact the museum at (541) 882-1000, or by email at museum@klamathcounty.org.