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Wyden Renews Call for Klamath River Basin Solution

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden today renewed the call for a long-term, collaborative solution in the Klamath River Basin, in a hearing before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power.

On the brink of another drought year, Wyden stressed the urgent need to come together and find a workable way forward for tribes, irrigators, and wildlife habitat protection in the Klamath Basin.

Wyden asked Alan Mikkelsen, senior adviser to the Interior secretary for water and western resource issues, how the Interior Department plans to build support among all stakeholders for a collaborative solution.

“The challenges in the Basin are not going away any time soon,” Wyden said. “It’s more important than ever to stay at this until we can find a long-term solution for water use in the Klamath Basin.”

Wyden has long worked to move forward on an agreeable solution for all stakeholders in the Klamath Basin.

Press release provided by the office of U.S. Senator Ron Wyden.