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Winter star party set for Feb. 6

Star party participants line up for a view through a telescope at a Klamath County Museum-sponsored event last December. A winter star party is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 6, on Lower Lake Road. (Submitted photo)

A winter star party will be offered by the Klamath County Museum Saturday, Feb. 6 on Lower Lake Road south of Klamath Falls. Telescopes will be set up for viewing from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM.

“We’re looking forward to getting views of some beautiful constellations that can only be seen in winter,” said museum manager Todd Kepple. “The weather forecast looks promising for a cool but clear weekend.”

The free astronomy event will be held at Sukraw Farms, 1800 Lower Klamath Lake Road. To reach the site, turn from Cross Road onto Lower Klamath Lake Road, and drive 3.75 miles. Signs will mark the site.

The museum will provide a warming station inside a hay barn at the farm. Telescopes will be provided by amateur astronomers from the Klamath Basin.

Popular wintertime objects to be seen the Orion nebula, the Pleiades, and Sirius, the brightest star in earth’s night sky. Participants are encouraged to bring binoculars to learn how to spot interesting objects without a telescope.

Anyone who would like to request help with setting up their personal telescope is welcome to come at 5 p.m. to receive assistance.

Following are other astronomy events planned by the museum this year:

  • Spring Astronomy Day, May 15.

  • Perseid meteor shower, Aug. 12.

  • Fall Astronomy Day, Oct. 8.

For more information contact the museum at (541) 882-1000.