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Water delivery extended through March 2022 for dry domestic wells

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The following is a press release from Klamath County.

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - Stakeholders are pleased to announce the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) is extending water deliveries to those with dry domestic wells into March of 2022. The County made the request last week and was notified the request was granted this week.  

The emergency response and effort, supported by Oregon Emergency Management, ODHS, Oregon Water Resources Department, Regional Solutions, Klamath County and the City of Klamath Falls, was slated to end October 31, 2021.  

“We know that the State support for these homeowners can’t continue indefinitely, but we also are aware many of the wells won’t be recharged until the Spring and homeowners haven’t necessarily been able to find a longer-term solution due to the shortage of well drillers.  I requested the State extend the deadline to help provide relief to our citizens while they work toward longer term solutions. I’m incredibly thankful to the ODHS for their willingness to step up and continue to assist.” said Commissioner Kelley Minty Morris.

Homeowners with dry or failing wells should continue to stay in contact with the Watermaster’s Office, 541-883-4182.