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Walden Bill to Combat Opioid Crisis Passes Senate, Heads to Presidents Desk

Walden’s SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act now heads to president

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Representative Greg Walden’s (R-Hood River) comprehensive legislation to combat the opioid crisis passed the Senate today, less than a week after receiving sweeping bipartisan support as it passed in the House of Representatives. Walden’s SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act (H.R. 6) passed the Senate by a vote of 98-1 today, bringing the bill one step closer to becoming law.

“After months of bipartisan work, landmark legislation to combat the opioid crisis is now headed to President Trump’s desk," said Walden. "This comprehensive bill provides critical support to desperate communities in Oregon and all across the country and gives those fighting on the front lines new tools to help treat addiction and slow the flow of illicit drugs across our borders. While there is still much work to be done, this historic effort will undoubtedly save lives and put families and communities across our country on the road to recovery. I look forward to seeing this legislation signed into law and continuing to work with the president to combat the opioid crisis.”

Last week, Walden’s legislation passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 393-8. H.R. 6 will help efforts to advance treatment and recovery initiatives, improve prevention, protect our communities, and bolster our efforts to fight deadly illicit synthetic drugs like fentanyl. This legislation represents the largest Congressional effort to address a single drug crisis in history.

Walden’s legislation now heads to the president’s desk to be signed into law. For more information on H.R. 6, please click here.

Press release provided from the Office of US Representative Greg Walden of Oregon.