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Trustees express support for University President, discuss next steps to move forward with climate survey

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - The Oregon Institute of Technology (Oregon Tech) Board of Trustees expressed their support for Dr. Nagi Naganathan to remain as the President of Oregon Tech. 

The expression of support was given at an April 20 Board of Trustees reconvening meeting, which followed up on an April 8 Faculty Senate presentation to the Board that President Naganathan resign his position. “The President has carried out his duties consistent with the fiduciary responsibilities delegated to him by the Board,” said Jessica Gomez, chair of the Board. 

Provided in a statement from the Board to the campus following the meeting, the Board stated: 

We are confident in Dr. Naganathan’s ability to help Oregon Tech navigate the 21st Century educational landscape, and to grow Oregon Tech into a world-class polytechnic institution. Consider these achievements during Dr. Naganathan’s tenure: our first doctoral program (DPT), the CEET, renovation of first-class laboratory spaces in Cornett Hall, OMIC, a vibrant and engaging strategic plan, the executive think tank, the new track campaign, the diversity, inclusion and equity initiatives, an increase in scholarships awarded, the remodeled student recreation center, and many more accomplishments. 

“I’m committed in my efforts to work with our colleagues and our community partners to help Oregon Tech be recognized as a world-class polytechnic university. My focus remains on resolving the inaugural faculty contract, growing our academic and institutional excellence, and providing a rich learning environment that is most beneficial to our students,” said President Naganathan. 

He added, “I am proud of the accomplishments we have achieved collectively at Oregon Tech over the past four years. Oregon Tech is poised to continue to grow and remain a source of pride for our students and the larger Oregon Tech community.” 

“It's time for the Board to consider retaining an external party to perform a University-wide climate survey. We need to give our president the right tools to better understand and improve the organizational culture at Oregon Tech,” said Gomez. The motion for a climate survey was passed by the Board. 

Oregon Tech Board of Trustees Statement

University communities always have been, and always should be, places where spirited debate and academic freedom are celebrated as central to the learning experience of the students we serve. Oregon Tech believes strongly in these concepts. People with divergent perspectives and divergent interests need not always agree. Diversity of viewpoints is not a weakness; it is a strength.

The Board of Trustees is the final University authority and has full control of the University and fiduciary responsibility. However, we have delegated day-to-day authority for administration of the University to the President. Each year, we set the priorities for the President, hold the President accountable to those priorities, and evaluate the President based on performance. In addition, the Board conducts a comprehensive evaluation of the President, usually every four to five years.

We value and support our students, our faculty, our President and his administration, and all Oregon Tech employees. We can and do provide a world-class polytechnic education. And we can have passionate advocates within our ranks urging us to do better. There is no inconsistency in this.

First, let us all reaffirm our commitment to our students. We truly believe in our foundational university value of student success, prioritizing student and graduate success in every decision or action at every level of the University. And we hold everyone at Oregon Tech to this standard. Every action made should be made with this question in mind: “how will this help our students?” Let us always remember this question as we engage in our individual and collective decision making. Our students are our number one priority.

Second, we reaffirm our commitment to our faculty. We support our faculty as they engage, educate, and enlighten our students. Faculty at colleges and universities across the country are under tremendous stress. This is a reality. We can and should support faculty as they grapple with these stresses while providing tremendous value to our students. Our faculty are a huge part of our success.

Third, we reaffirm our commitment to President Naganathan. Challenging times call for dynamic leadership. Changing times also create real stresses. We are confident in Dr. Naganathan’s ability to help Oregon Tech navigate the 21st Century educational landscape, and to grow Oregon Tech into a world-class polytechnic institution. Consider these achievements during Dr. Naganathan’s tenure: our first doctoral program (DPT), the CEET, renovation of first-class laboratory spaces in Cornett Hall, OMIC, a vibrant and engaging strategic plan, the executive think tank, the new track campaign, the diversity, inclusion and equity initiatives, an increase in scholarships awarded, the remodeled student recreation center, and many more accomplishments. Visionary leaders often face internal and external challenges, but what makes them so unique and successful is their dedication to their vision and in this case, the mission of the University. Being a leader is not a popularity contest, it is an exercise in humility; it calls for service to others and demands calm in the storm. Dr. Naganathan is such a leader and Oregon Tech and our students are better off with him at the helm.

Fourth, we reaffirm our commitment to all our employees, and to our communities. Our relationships within our communities, the state and region have continuously grown, and Oregon Tech is becoming a renowned University. Our staff and our community partners play a vital role in that growth and we commend each of them for their dedication and service.

While we will move forward together, we hear and appreciate the Faculty’s concerns. Their feelings are real. The common threads relate to communication and culture. These are important issues that deserve thorough, thoughtful, and objective analysis. We think it is critical for these issues to be assessed objectively. Accordingly, we are directing Dr. Naganathan to retain the services of a qualified outside consultant to conduct a comprehensive climate assessment of the University, and to make recommendations for constructive initiatives to address any issues identified. We envision a report that considers all stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the communities that we serve.

Finally, we recognize the truth in the phrase an ASOIT leader coined at an Oregon Tech Board meeting, “We are Oregon Tech Together.” This was not a catch phrase developed on Madison Avenue. It was a heartfelt expression from one of our own, made to the Board, urging our University forward. We celebrate that strength, that spirit and that determination. We are Oregon Tech Together.