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SOS Supports Staff Member Reaching for the Stars

Mr Larry Morgan photographed with Oregon Secretary of State, Dennis Richardson. (Submitted Photo)

Dennis Richardson, Oregon Secretary of State

Throughout 2017, Larry Morgan, Secretary of State Dennis Richardson’s “Citizen Engagement and Inclusion Coordinator,” has been vital in identifying issues and developing relationships with minority populations in Oregon. 

Recently, Morgan determined the need to expand his unique services to wider populations. At Morgan’s request, he and Secretary Richardson agreed to continue Morgan’s services on a contractual basis.

Morgan will continue his same diligent, effective outreach to every group and organization across Oregon. His efforts will continue to focus on the critical issues of inclusion, diversity, equity, and voting rights.

“Larry is an invaluable asset to this Agency, and I am so please that we will continue to have him on the team while offering him the flexibility to seek even greater professional opportunities,” said Secretary of State Dennis Richardson. “With Larry onboard, the Secretary of State’s office has been transformed into an agency truly committed to the principles of “liberty and justice for all.” The amazing work Larry is doing with regard to helping underserved populations in Oregon is receiving national attention. I’m so proud of him and the work he is doing.”

The position of Citizen Engagement and Inclusion Coordinator is the first of its kind in any Oregon Office of Secretary of State. While in this position, Morgan has assisted the Secretary in establishing and accomplishing the following:

  • Oregon Kid Governor program (campaign, election, inauguration, and ongoing civics training for 5th graders).
  • Business of Diversity event (2017’s event focused on LGBTQ entrepreneurs and consumers - 450 attendees).
  • Black in Oregon event (exploring the challenges African-American Oregonians face). Partnered with the Urban League of Portland in 2017.
  • Naturalization Ceremony to be held on Oregon’s birthday, February 14, every year in the State Capitol.
  • Round table discussion where legislators and minority community members sought solutions to underserved communities.
  • Affirmative Action Plan overhaul for the Office of the Secretary of State.
  • Oregon-China International e-Commerce Summit to promote small and medium size Oregon businesses marketing to Chinese consumers via the internet.
  • National Lieutenant Governor’s Association and National Association of Secretaries of State convention participation—to learn, identify tools, and implement successful practices from other states across the nation.
  • Black History Month Exhibit to celebrate the lives and legacies of Oregon’s black pioneers—created by the Oregon State Archives.
  • Outreach to communities historically without a voice in Oregon government.
  • Collaboration with the Secretary of State’s designee to the State School Board regarding critical issues of safety, learning, and equity in Oregon public schools.
  • Collaboration with the Secretary of State’s Office of Small Business Assistance (an independent voice for small businesses within government).

In 2018, Morgan will assist the Secretary of State in accomplishing the following:

  • 2018 Business of Diversity event (veteran entrepreneurs and consumers).
  • Four Corners in Four Quarters (“4C-4Q”), town-hall meetings across Oregon’s cities and rural communities to discuss civics, election issues, government audits, and business assistance.
  • Crowd Funding investment opportunities to help new Oregon businesses gain start-up capital.
  • Award program to recognize schools that emphasize civics education.
  • Outreach to youth, college students, and millennials to introduce and encourage voting and civic engagement.
  • Public Service Ads promoting civics, voter registration, and voting.

In short, Morgan and Richardson make an effective team, working to accomplish the goals of promoting greater transparency, accountability, and integrity in Oregon state government.

Press release from Oregon Secretary of State Dennis Richardson. 

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