Klamath Falls News

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Several hundred gather to celebrate migratory birds

Marsh, an American Kestrel is one of the animal ambassadors for Badger Run Wildlife Rehab. Marsh was struck by a car last year and has a damaged wing, causing him to not fly well. May 18, 2019 (Image, Brian Gailey / Klamath Falls News)

Despite the wind and chilly spring day, hundreds turned out in Veteran’s Park in Klamath Falls for the annual celebration of migratory birds. Participants from Klamath Bird Observatory, Badger Run, US Fish and Wildlife, Klamath Wingwatchers, and several more helped educate children of all ages and celebrate birds and their habitats.

Attendees were able to complete a variety of hands on activities at booths including, building birdhouses, identifying birds, learning about nests, and viewing animal ambassadors. Live music was also available on the Veterans Park stage.

The underlying message of this years event was protecting birds from the dangers of plastic.

Learn more about the event at www.klamathwmbd.com