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SOS Richardson to Live-Stream Election Night Results

Secretary of State Dennis Richardson Announces Historic Decision to Live-Stream January 23 Election Night Preliminary Results

SALEM, OR — Today, Secretary of State Dennis Richardson announced an historic decision to live-stream the January 23 Special Election preliminary results on Facebook before they are officially posted on state election sites.  

“Nearly 70% of Americans use one or more social media platforms to connect with friends and stay up-to-date on current events, and most individuals use Facebook on a daily basis,” said Secretary Richardson. “I want to reach people where they’re at and make it as easy as possible for Oregonians to participate in their government.” 

Secretary Richardson also noted that 86% of adults on Facebook are under the age of 30—a demographic that historically has lower turnout in Oregon elections. 

“We need new and novel ways to engage younger voters and reaffirm that this is their government too,” said Richardson. “Live-streaming the preliminary election results is one small step we’re taking in that direction as an agency.” 

The January 23 Special Election live-stream will be on the Secretary of State’s Facebook page beginning at 7:45pm. Preliminary results will be announced shortly after 8:00pm. Full election results will then be posted on results.oregon.gov.

Secretary Richardson is also reminding voters to mail in their ballots no later than Thursday if they haven’t already. After Thursday, voters should drop off their ballots at a local ballot drop box location to ensure their ballots are in their county elections office by next Tuesday—Election Day.