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SCOFMP announces Spring Prescribed Fire Season in South Central Oregon

File photo of a prescribed burn (SCOFMP)

LAKEVIEW, Ore. – Spring weather has arrived in South Central Oregon, and fire managers on the Fremont-Winema National Forest, and Lakeview District Bureau of Land Management will be applying prescribed fire to the landscape.

Prescribed fire is used by fire managers to improve forest heath and wildlife habitat, and to reduce hazardous fuels to minimize the threat of high-intensity, severe wildfires in our area.  Applying prescribed fire is a part of our continued commitment to protect communities and natural resources from wildfires.

Warmer temperatures, reduced snow pack, adequate humidity and favorable winds are improving the conditions needed for firefighters to start applying fire to planned units.

Area residents and visitors may notice smoke or fire on public lands in various areas during the next few months. Each prescribed fire can appear different visually depending on the forest type, fuel load, prescribed fire objectives, and how long fire has been absent from the area. Areas where prescribed fire operations are taking place will be well signed, and may have increased fire personnel, traffic, and smoke in the area. Please stay clear of these areas when possible for public and firefighter safety.

Prescribed fire occurs on days when the Oregon Department of Forestry Smoke Management Office indicates there are suitable weather conditions for smoke dispersal.  Following that approval, if overall fuel and weather conditions are favorable, firefighters ignite a test fire before moving forward with the prescribed fire.  If the test fire indicates conditions are not suitable, the prescribed fire will be postponed until conditions improve.  All burning operations are monitored and patrolled frequently, by fire professionals, to ensure public safety.

Prescribed Burn Notices will be posted prior to ignition once timeframes have been established. SCOFMP employees are committed to a safe and successful prescribed fire season for the public, and employees within these designated areas.

For more information please contact the listed host for each individual prescribed fire, or get our most recent updates online at scofmp.org/lifc.shtml, on Facebook at facebook.com/SCOFMPFireInfo, and on twitter at @SCOFMPFireInfo.

Areas planned for treatment during the Spring 2019 Prescribed Fire Season


  • BLY RANGER DISTRICT, 541-353-2427

    • West Spodue: 1750 acres, 15 Miles North of Beatty, Visible from Hwy 140

    • Pilot: 1000 acres, 15 Miles east, near Deming Creek


    • Rac: 520 acres, 11 miles SW of Chemult Hwy 139, milepost 92-95

    • Sugarpine: 250 acres, 10 miles SE of Chemult along FS 83 rd


    • North II, Unit 25 & 15: 2035 acres, 5 miles east Chiloquin, 1-2 mile marker Williamson River Rd. Visible from Hwy 97 & the Sprague River Road


    • Raccoon: 114 acres, 23 miles NW of Klamath Falls along Hwy 140 near the Odessa area.

    • Tomahawk: 126 acres, 29 miles NW of Klamath Falls along Hwy 140 south of the Mountain Lakes Estates Subdivision.

    • Cold Unit 37: 111 acres, 30 miles NW of Klamath Falls along Hwy 140 at the Cold Springs Trailhead turnoff FS road 3651


    • Burnt Willow: 800 acres, 6 miles east of Lakeview

    • West Drews: 1000 acres, 6 miles west of Drews Reservoir

  • WINTER RIM ZONE, 541-943-3114

    • Coyote: 500 acres, 25 miles southwest of Silver Lake, west of Sycan Marsh

    • Bridge Buck: 500 acres, 8 miles South-Southwest of Silver Lake

    • Brattain Ridge: 300 acres, 17 miles south of Silver Lake, north of Sycan Marsh

    • Duce: 1000 acres, 14 miles southwest of Paisley near Coffee Pot Flat


  • LAKEVIEW RESOURCE AREA, 541-947-2177

    • South Warner: 600 acres, 20 miles East of Lakeview (visible from Hwy 140 near Adel, OR)

    • Dicks Creek: 30 acres, 13 miles North of Lakeview on Hwy 395

    • Clover Flat: 80 acres, 2 miles West of Valley Falls