Klamath Falls News

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Road Construction for week of June 10

Expected road construction projects by the City of Klamath Falls and Klamath County Public Works Departments for the week of June 10 - including, asphalt, signs, painting, and crack sealing.

City of Klamath Falls Street Division

Streets Division crews will be performing work during the hours of 6:30 a.m. through 4 p.m. The Streets Staff would like to thank our citizens in advance for proceeding with caution in areas where crews are working. Work may be delayed due to weather, equipment break-down or unexpected emergencies.

Asphalt crew 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.

  • June 10 - Asphalt repair Utility cut at Kane St. and S 6th St. (5300 blk). Lane closure and traffic delays are possible.

  • June 11 – 12 - General street maintenance city wide.

  • June 13 - Utility cut repairs, South Suburban Area.

Sign and Paint crew 6 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Due to weather delays, paint crews will be re-striping legends, parking T’s and crosswalks in the downtown core. Crews and traffic gear (cones and signs) will be in place.

Sign maintenance city wide and street sweeping.

If you would like more information about this topic, please call the City Public Works Department at (541) 883-5385.

Klamath County Public Works

Klamath County will have work crews at the following locations.  Please use caution when in these areas and watch for flaggers.  If you are able to avoid the work zones, please use an alternate route for your safety and the safety of Klamath County employees.

Crack Seal Crew

  • Williamson River Road

  • Loosely Road

  • Miscellaneous County Roads in Suburbs         

Skinny Patch (Asphalt)

  • Portions of Lakeport Drive

  • Portions of Hill Road

Paint Crew/Stencil

  • East County Roads

  • Miscellaneous Arrows, Sidewalk Crossings on County Roads in Suburbs

In general, flagging stations will be set up at the end of the work zone and delays will be 0 to 20 minutes for the motoring public.  Other work is occurring through the County but we are only listing the major items in this announcement. 

There may be adjustments of work schedules due to weather or other items outside of the County’s control (breakdown of equipment, material/resource availability, etc.)  Please do not contact the County if you do not see work occurring, it could be finished already or will be rescheduled.

Klamath County Public Works and the Board of County Commissioners appreciate the motoring publics’ patience during the repair season for our local roads and bridges.  If you have any questions regarding work, please contact the Public Works Department at (541) 883-4696.