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Republicans walk out of Senate

Oregon Senate Chamber, Wikipedia.

SALEM, Ore. - Today, following earlier movement out of the Joint Ways and Means Committee, Senate President Peter Courtney (D-Salem) was putting forth a vote on SB-1530, the Senates version of Cap and Trade. In opposition and feeling unheard, all but one Republican Senator chose not to make role call on the Senate Chamber floor. With Republicans not showing on the floor, the Senate was unable to hold a quorum to vote on the legislation.

“Senator Courtney’s actions leave no other option for Senate Republicans but to boycott and deny quorum because cap and trade is on the way to the Senate floor,” said Senate Republican Leader Herman Baertschiger, Jr. (R-Grants Pass).

Baertschiger, Jr. continued, “Democrats refused to work with Republicans and denied every amendment that was presented. Pay attention Oregon – this is a true example of partisan politics. Instead of referring this legislation to let the people decide, the Democrats are willfully ignoring 26 counties and one district, representing nearly 2 million Oregonians that have signed proclamations against cap and trade, to push their agenda.”

SB-1530 is expected pass based on the votes of the Democrat super majority no matter what the Republicans vote.

Today’s walk out marks the third time in a year that Republicans walked out of the Oregon Legislature.

“The repeated walkouts of the Oregon Senate Republicans over the last year are a disgraceful assault on our democratic institutions,” said Oregon House Majority Leader Barbara Smith Warner (D-Portland). “This is not normal, and this is not a game.”

Smith Warner continues, “Oregonians send us here to have hard conversations, advocate for them and get work done – not shut down our government. Through their actions, Senate Republicans are wasting taxpayer dollars and telling the large majority of Oregonians that they don’t matter. Oregonians deserve so much better.”

In contrary to Representative Warner’s statement, Republicans do feel that they are speaking for their constituents who elected them, that Cap and Trade is bad for Oregon - that it is a carbon tax disguised as environmental legislation - and that it should be taken to the voters. With Democrats unwilling to listen and work with to their Republican counterparts, Republicans feel the Democrats are not listening to rural Oregon.

Walking out is the only way Republicans feel they can be heard.

“Republican legislators have pleaded repeatedly with our Democrat colleagues to refer cap and trade legislation to the voters,” said Rep. Carl Wilson (R-Grants Pass). “This is the only acceptable solution when the legislature cannot come to a resolution. It’s shocking – and undemocratic - to hear the mistrust cap & trade proponents have for their constituents. Let the voters decide on cap & trade.”

Many Republicans have gone on record stating legislation this complex should not be rushed through on the short session and that it should be tackled in a full session and even put before the voters.

“According to Oregon’s Constitution, there is nothing the legislature is required to accomplish during this session. New bills and major legislation are meant for long session. However, the leading Democrat party is cramming major new legislation into short session, something it was never intended for,” said Rep. E. Werner Reschke (R-Klamath Falls).

Senator Tim Knopp (R-Bend) was the lone Republican to make roll call.