Klamath Falls News

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Rain Welcome After Busy Weekend, More Lightning Predicted

Map of the Eagle Fire in Modoc County. (Click for larger).

ALTURAS, Calif.— Modoc Wildland Fire personnel and support staff, who were extremely busy over the weekend, were happy to see rain over some areas of the Modoc National Forest Sunday night.

Lightning is forecasted again today, followed by hot and dry weather until another predicted round of lightning beginning Friday. With the forecasted hotter and dryer weather, holdover fires are expected to present themselves as the week progresses.

Modoc Interagency Communications Center dispatched fire-suppression resources to 32 reported fires Saturday and Sunday. The Kelly Fire between Big Sage Reservoir and the Devil’s Garden Conservation Camp reached 52 acres before receiving a wetting rain late Sunday.

The 60-acres Meadow Fire (T46N R10E Sec23) – currently the largest fire on the Forest – did not receive as much rain as others. This is one of five fires planned for dedicating staffing today. It was last reported at 20-percent contained.

The Eagle Fire south of Eagleville also received rain over the weekend. Updates are available from the BLM at https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/5926/.

The Modoc National Forest is planning to enact fire-safety restrictions beginning Friday, July 20. Information on fire-safety restrictions on the Modoc National Forest will be available at https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/modoc/alerts-notices. Neighboring land-management agencies are also entering fire restrictions. Please see the appropriate website for more information.

Information provided by Modoc National Forest

Eagle Fire, Incident Information

Current as of: 7/15/18, 7:46pm

This fire is burning on public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management Northern California District and on the Modoc National Forest.

  • Basic Fire Information
    • Incident Type: Wildfire
    • Cause: Unknown
    • Date of Origin: July 13, 2018, approx 8:00pm
    • Location: 15 miles south of Cedarville, California
    • Incident Commander: BLM Northern California District
    • Coordinates: 41.285, -120.115
  • Current Situation
    • Total Personnel: 232
    • Size: 2,100 acres
    • Containment: 30%
    • Estimated Containment Date: 7/20/18
    • Fuels: Rangeland shrubs and grass. Timber
    • Significant Events: Threats to ranch homes and habitat for greater sage grouse, which is a high priority for protection. The fire is burning in Emerson Canyon and the South Warner Wilderness.
  • Outlook: Continue containment with engines in lower elevation rangelands. Anchor and flank in the Warner Mountains. Difficult access in Warner Mountains.
  • Current Weather: Potential for thunderstorms and associated winds.

Klamath Falls News coverage of the 2018 Wildfire Season is brought to you by Excel Auto Body.

We at Excel Auto Body appreciate the brave men and women wildland firefighters that put themselves in harms way to protect our greatest treasures. Thank you for all that you. 

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