Klamath Falls News

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PSA: Klamath County Fair Security

The following is a public service announcement from the Klamath County Sheriff’s Office.

The Klamath County Sheriff’s Office has been working with Fairground’s staff to identify ways to ensure a safe fair environment this year - and in years to come.

Beginning this year, gate checks will be conducted by a private security company to help prevent outside alcohol and illegal substances from entering fairgrounds' property. We hope this reduces alcohol-related conflicts during the concert and events.

In addition to gate security, the Sheriff’s Office will be staffing extra foot patrols at peak times and Klamath County Search and Rescue and the Community Emergency Response Team will be available as well.

Please respect the decision of Fairgrounds Management and do not attempt to bring alcohol, illegal substances, or illegally carried weapons into the fairgrounds during the Klamath County Fair.

We’ll see you at the fair! No really....we’ll be there too.