Klamath Falls News

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Photo Story: Children's Activities at the Winter Wings Festival

Children's Activities at the 39th Annual Winter Wings Festival entertained children of all ages. February 17, 2018. (Brian Gailey)

The Winter Wings Festival is known for it's workshops, field trips and keynote speakers. However, there is much more to the festival than that. Vendors, photography & art contests, and family/children's activities. 

The OIT College Union Building, works as the festivals base camp, and on Saturday it was home to the family and children's activities. Rock & face painting, building bird feeders, hands on exhibits with microscopes, animal demonstrations, and so much more were offered this year. 

This photo story takes a closer look at the children's activities and is brought to you by www.BrianGailey.com

This photo story is proudly brought to you by local Fine Art Photographer, Brian Gailey. Learn more about Brian and see his work at www.BrianGailey.com