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Oregon Tech transitions spring term to remote delivery of courses

Due to COVID-19 health and safety precautions, all courses will be taught through remote delivery for the entire spring term between April 6 and June 12, 2020.

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - As Oregon Tech continues to monitor the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation, President Nagi Naganathan announced that all courses will be taught through remote delivery for the entire spring term between April 6 and June 12, 2020.

The decision is an extension of the University’s remote delivery operating plan announced March 16, and takes into account Governor Brown’s March 18 executive order suspending in-person instructional activities at higher education institutions through April 28.

“During these uncertain times, Oregon Tech is determined to find and implement the best measures to protect our university community’s health, while also effectively delivering our high quality coursework,” Naganathan said. “The health and safety of our people is paramount, and so is the health of the communities that house our campuses. It is after much deliberation and discussion that we made this decision, but ultimately, I know that our outstanding faculty and staff will deliver the exceptional education and service our students expect and deserve, and our students are fully capable of thriving in this remote educational environment.”

Oregon Tech campuses will remain open to maintain critical operations and services, while working with employees on telecommuting options so they can attend to childcare needs as well as take the right measures to be healthy and safe. The University will communicate additional details to students and employees over the next few weeks. The residence halls in Klamath Falls will remain open with modified on-campus food service.

“The understanding of our faculty, staff and students has been incredible during this global pandemic crisis,” said Naganathan. “They are quickly adapting to this changing environment and I am inspired by their resilience.”

As additional COVID-19 information becomes available, Oregon Tech will continuously evaluate and update changes to these plans and communicate with the university community. Full information is available at www.oit.edu/coronavirus.