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Oregon Tech Partners to Develop Renewable Energy Workforce

Oregon Tech Solar Field (Submitted Photo)

Partnership with Oregon Institute of Technology to expand access to the college’s Renewable Energy Engineering program and encourage the development of a high-tech workforce in rural communities

Cypress Creek Renewables announced today the launch of a partnership with Oregon Institute of Technology (Oregon Tech) to strengthen Oregon’s energy workforce and grow the state’s clean energy economy. The partnership will support the state’s thriving solar industry and encourage development of a high-tech workforce in rural communities.

The initiative, which includes a $26,000 investment by Cypress Creek, will reduce course fees for students focused on Renewable Energy Engineering, with an emphasis on recruiting more women, veterans, and underrepresented communities to the industry. Cypress Creek also commits to build relationships between students and industry, by sharing professional expertise with students as mentors and guest lecturers.

Dr. Nagi Naganathan, president of Oregon Tech, shared his enthusiasm for the partnership: “Cypress Creek has committed to working with Oregon Tech to develop a comprehensive partnership which contributes to the development of renewable energy professionals. This compliments our Rural Communities Development Initiative, which builds relationships and programs that encourage development of high-tech industry in rural areas.”

Cypress Creek Renewables Senior Community Engagement & Permits Manager, Amy Berg Pickett, said, “We are proud to partner with Oregon Institute of Technology in a commitment to grow a diverse clean energy workforce in Oregon. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with the Oregon Tech community in bringing local solar energy investment to rural communities.”

Dr. Mason Terry is an Oregon Tech alumnus, director of the Oregon Renewable Energy Center and program director of renewable energy engineering at Oregon Tech. He has been working with Cypress Creek on a variety of projects and understands the value this will provide Oregon Tech students. “The investment by Cypress Creek will help Oregon Tech continue to build an innovative workforce. We encourage entrepreneurial-minded out of the box thinking in the solar industry through support of exceptional student ideas. Their investment in Oregon Tech will support projects that mentor the next generation of Renewable Energy Engineers.”

The two organizations will celebrate the new partnership at a public seminar held Wednesday, Oct. 17 which brings together solar and sustainability experts to discuss projects focused on the Klamath community. The “Solar Pints Open House” is an event co-hosted by Cypress Creek and the Oregon Renewable Energy Center (OREC) with a keynote discussion on the dual-use agriculture and photovoltaic solar Merrill project by CCR, with additional exhibits and presentations from OREC, Oregon Tech Environmental Sciences, Klamath Watershed Partnership, Energy Trust of Oregon, Renewable Northwest, Oregon Solar Energy Industries Association and the Center for Sustainable Economy. The event will also feature a tasting of solar IPA made with honey from pollinators on solar farms.

Press release provided from the __________________.

Public Event to Honor Partnership

Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2018,
5 p.m.-8 p.m.

Crater Lake Complex
Oregon Tech College Union
3201 Campus Drive, Klamath Falls, OR 97601