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Oregon Tech employees honored for teaching, service, professional achievement

In addition to welcoming new faculty and staff, awards were presented to personnel for outstanding service to students and to the university

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KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - Oregon Institute of Technology faculty and staff members were honored Tuesday (9/17/19) for their exceptional contributions to the University at the annual convocation of faculty and staff before the start of the 2019-20 academic year.

In addition to welcoming new faculty and staff, awards were presented to personnel for outstanding service to students and to the university and each awardee received a check for either $500 or $1,000 from the Oregon Tech Foundation; some even received a dedicated parking spot on campus.

Awards presented this year include:

  • Student Affairs Most Valuable Partner Award: Alan Wallace, Information Technology Services

  • Foundation Faculty Achievement Awards: Dr. Dawn Bailey, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Dr. Sean St.Clair, Civil Engineering

  • Oregon Tech Rising Faculty Scholar Award: Dr. Eklas Hossain, Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy, with honorable mention given to Dr. Mostafa Saber, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering and Technology

  • Classified Staff Award: Ronda Keating, office manager, Medical Imaging Technology, General Instruction

  • President’s Staff Award: Owl’s Worth Financial Literacy Committee (Jake Coatney of Financial Aid, Michal Kawka of the Student Success Center, Josie Hudspeth of Campus Life and Sarah Matchett of Residence Life)

Each awardee was selected through nomination letters which outlined their commitment to the university and their dedication to making a difference in the lives of students, which adds significantly to the vitality of Oregon Tech.