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Oregon Tech Board of Trustees Approve New Program in Cybersecurity

Trustees approved board appointments including a new vice chair, and a new bachelor’s degree program in cybersecurity; and heard updates on other programs and services

WILSONVILLE, Ore. – The Oregon Institute of Technology (“Oregon Tech”) Board of Trustees met Jan. 24 at the university’s Portland-Metro campus in Wilsonville and virtually. Among the areas of discussion and action, Trustees approved board appointments including a new vice chair, and a new bachelor’s degree program in cybersecurity; and heard updates on other programs and services at Oregon Tech.

New Program Approval
The Board conducted its final review of, and approved, Oregon Tech’s proposed new bachelor’s degree program in cybersecurity. Delivery sites for the degree will include both Klamath Falls and Portland-Metro campuses – and eventually online – as well as partnership opportunities with community colleges and others that would be part of the program. The expected degree start date will be by fall term 2020, after the additional approval steps are complete. The next step is for the program to go before the statewide Provosts’ Council made up of all seven of the state’s public university provosts. The board also heard a preliminary review of a proposed new degree in Data Science that will return to the board for final approval later this year.

Board Appointments 
After conferring with Board members on interest in leadership positions, Chair Graham recommended the appointment of Trustee Jessica Gomez as vice chair, which is also the chair-elect position. The board voted unanimously to appoint Trustee Gomez in this role.

Sabbatical Updates
Three faculty members reported on the projects and work completed during their recent or current sabbaticals. Professors Sandra Bailey, Joe Stuart and Jamie Kennel each summarized their program development and/or research work in the areas of program assessment, ocean renewable energy and emergency medicine bias research, respectively.

Press release provided from the Oregon Institute of Technology.