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Oregon Tech and Faculty Union ratify first contract

The following is a press release from Oregon Tech.

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - Oregon Institute of Technology (Oregon Tech) is pleased to announce that the first contract with its faculty union, Oregon Tech – American Association of University Professors (OT-AAUP) has been ratified by both the union and the administration. The collective bargaining agreement secures wage increases, other benefits, and workload parameters through June 2025.

"The ratification of this inaugural contract is a milestone in faculty and administration working together to meet their collective interests. Negotiations can be a difficult process, but the end result is worth it –an agreement that fairly takes into consideration the needs of both the faculty and the university. This agreement will benefit the Oregon Tech students today and for years to come,” said President Nagi Naganathan.

The new contract for OT-AAUP includes an 11.5% increase in salary to be applied over the life of the contract, with an additional 3.5% possible through merit increases. Faculty also maintain current healthcare that includes Oregon Tech paying 95 to 97 percent of the costs. Both parties defined workload expectations which will enable faculty to spend more time with students and in the classroom.

“I want to convey my sincere thanks to the members of the OT-AAUP and the Oregon Tech negotiating teams for their special efforts during the last several months. Now that an agreement is in place, we can move forward building together a great future for our university and our students” Dr. Naganathan said.