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Oregon Farm Bureau issues statement on the defeat of HB 2020

Farm Bureau members were out in force at the #NoOnHB2020 rally, joining OVER 2,000 farmers, ranchers, truckers, loggers, foresters, and rural Oregonians! (Image, Oregon Farm Bureau Facebook)

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SALEM, Ore. - Today Senate Republican Leader Herman Baertschiger Jr. announced that House Bill 2020 is dead and the Oregon State Legislature will finish the 2019 Session this weekend to keep Oregon’s agencies funded. The bill will remain dead through sine die on Sunday.

Defeating HB 2020 while avoiding a special session is a HUGE victory for everyone who showed up at the rallies to oppose the bill, attended the remote hearings, contacted their legislators, testified before committees, wrote letters to the editor, gave media interviews, and/or shared their personal stories on social media, explaining how HB 2020 was the wrong policy for Oregon.

There is no question that the #timberunity movement and the natural resource industries’ grassroots efforts changed the course of HB 2020! These hard-working Oregonians started local and launched a statewide effort to stop the cap-and-trade bill from passing. It’s because of the effort, passion, determination, and dedication by those who work in agriculture, forestry, and natural resources that HB 2020 died this session!

Rural Oregon is strongly represented by senators and representatives who heard their concerns and now will work to end this legislative session, helping to avoid a special session. Thank you to everyone who engaged and made a difference!

Press release provided from the Oregon Farm Bureau.