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OR Senate Votes Unanimously on SB1557 - Supporting ORNG Attend College

Oregon Senate Votes Unanimously to Support Oregon National Guard Members Attending College

SALEM, OR.- Today, the Oregon State Senate voted unanimously to pass Senate Bill 1557, helping men and women serving in Oregon's National Guard, who are attending college. The bill amends current law to allow college students who are called up to serve the state for 30 days or less to retake college classes without additional cost.

"We rely on our Oregon National Guard members to serve our state in times of need," said Senator Kim Thatcher (R-Keizer), who is a chief sponsor of the bill. "This bill will ensure that these soldiers aren't penalized for missing school days while in service to our state."

“I was proud to be a sponsor of SB 1557  which was brought to the Legislatures attention by an Oregon National Guard Captain. This bill will help our men and women serving in the military who are called to active duty for 30 days or less," states Senator Dennis Lithincum in a email to Klamath Falls News. "These selfless soldiers will no longer be penalized by additional costs for retaking their college courses when they step up to serve our state and our country."  

The legislative concept was recommended by an Oregon National Guard Captain who had several of his soldiers, currently enrolled in public universities, be called to training or other functions of the state. Occasionally these duties coincide with mid-terms and finals, and the soldiers would be required to repay for those classes.Current law allows college students serving in the military to retake classes without additional cost only when they were called up for 30 days or more. SB 1557 is supported by the Oregon Enlisted Association, and has broad bipartisan support.

Press release from Senator Kim Thatcher and from Senator Dennis Linthicum.

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