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North 2 prescribed burn near Chiloquin postponed

A prescribed fire burns near Chiloquin, Oregon. May 4, 2021 (Photo by, Evan Wright)

The following is a press release from South Central Oregon Fire Management Partnership.

CHILOQUIN, Ore. – The Chiloquin Ranger District of the Fremont-Winema National Forest, in partnership with the agencies of the South Central Oregon Fire Management Partnership, has postponed continuation of the North 2 Prescribed Burn. The burn area is located 7 miles northeast of Chiloquin, near the Two Four Two Fire area that burned last fall in a wildfire.

The eventual goal is to treat up to 4,000 acres, and 345 acres were completed successfully yesterday. However, as safe prescribed burning is dependent on many details lining up, especially weather and fuel conditions, the decision was made to postpone completion of the burn until all conditions were correct. The decision to postpone is not unusual, rather, it reflects an intense focus on the safety of firefighters and communities.

“The fire effects and intensity we observed during yesterday’s burning,” says Evan Wright, Assistant District Fire Management Officer for the Chiloquin District, “were a bit higher than we would like to see on the interior of the project.  This coupled with some higher winds expected Thursday, followed by a chance of precipitation and cooler weather over the weekend, led to the decision to cease further ignitions for now.”  Wright says fire managers will continue to watch for more favorable, moderated conditions in the future so the burn can be completed.

Those working on the North 2 fire will continue through Thursday to secure and mop-up the black line operation started Tuesday. Wright warns that securing the line today may involve using a helicopter to both recon the area, as well as to quickly do small ignitions to secure the line into nearby roads. This will set the area up for continued operations after the expected wind event and moisture pass this weekend.

As before, when the burn resumes, residents and visitors can expect increased aircraft in the area, fire equipment on area roads, and likely smoke impacts affecting visibility.  Forest Road 4502 is in the North 2 project area and will be signed.  Visitors must avoid the area for public and firefighter safety.  If anyone is inside the closed area, all aviation resources will be forced to land.

When burning resumes, smoke will once again be a likely issue. Those sensitive to smoke in the Chiloquin area are encouraged to take precautionary measures.

The North 2 project is part of the Chiloquin Community Forest and Fire Project, which is funded in part through the USDA Joint Chief’s program.  The purpose of the project is to treat lands at a landscape scale across boundaries to create a forest resilient to natural and human-caused disturbance, including fire.  This includes defensible space and fuel reduction treatments.

Updates on the North 2 Prescribed Burn will be posted on the Fremont Winema Facebook page as well as on the SCOFMP Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/SCOFMPFIREINFO.  Information boards are in place in the Chiloquin area and will be updated as information is available.