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New COVID metrics is a step closer to in-person education for Klamath County

Metrics based on latest COVID-19 studies and data, align to CDC recommendations and help Oregon meet its priority to return students to in-person instruction

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With COVID-19 set to be present in Oregon communities for the foreseeable future, Governor Kate Brown, the Oregon Department of Education and the Oregon Health Authority have released an update to the Ready Schools, Safe Learners guidance, which features new metrics for returning to in-person instruction in Oregon schools. 

Since the metrics were originally issued in August, more data has become available from school districts across the country. ODE worked with the OHA to establish when students can return to the classroom while still mitigating the risk of COVID-19 spread.

“Our updated metrics are based on the latest COVID-19 studies and data, are aligned with CDC recommendations, and bring Oregon in sync with the standards of other states like California,” said Governor Brown. “They also help us meet our priority of returning students to in-person instruction. These metrics still place a very high bar for low case counts to open schools, while at the same time providing more flexibility for our younger students.”

“Today we are sharing scheduled updates to our metrics for schools. Guided by data, these metrics offer an intentional and measured approach to returning to in-person instruction while recognizing the importance of meeting our kids’ academic needs—and allow for in-person instruction in places of our state where the risk of COVID-19 is lower. They also set a North Star for the rest of the state to work toward,” said ODE Director Colt Gill. “We all know that in-person instruction provides our children and families with more than access to an equitable education. Schools are a center of services to students and families, offering nutritious meals, access to social-emotional and mental health supports, as well as physical health services.” 

Key changes to the metrics include:

  • A clear set of reachable targets for communities to strive for, with a North Star of returning Oregon students to in-person instruction.

  • Acknowledgement that Oregon’s Ready Schools, Safe Learners guidance’s strong public health protocols in structured settings like schools, can greatly reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19.

  • Additional time for schools to transition between in-person and distance learning models.

  • Increased access to in-person instruction at the elementary level.

  • A two Week “Look Back” at the Metrics Data rather than one week at a time over a three week period.

  • Removes State Positivity Rate in favor of county positivity rates.

The metrics updates take effect immediately and, based on this week’s data points, potentially allow close to 130,000 students to return to some in-person instruction. The guidance recommends that schools consider both equity and a methodical and cautious approach at the beginning that return a portion of the school population first and then add more students on-site over time. This will allow schools to build new safety routines, stabilize cohorts, and avoid sudden, disruptive transitions back to Comprehensive Distance Learning due to quarantine or isolation.

“Schools are at the center of it all: the personnel, teachers, nurses, counselors, librarians, and education support professionals who, every day, build the personal, individual connections with students that are so crucial to their lifelong success,” said Governor Brown

What does this mean for Klamath County?

In Klamath County, with a population of roughly 70,000 people, the county would need to adhere to the following metrics for positive COVID cases and positivity rates per two-week average/period for students to return to some form of in-person learning [numbers adjusted for Klamath County population]:

  • In-Person Learning

    • Positive Cases: less than 34

    • County Positivity Rate: less than 5%

  • Hybrid (On-Site & Distance Learning)

    • Positive Cases: 34-68

    • County Positivity Rate: 5 to 8%

  • Limited In-Person Instruction (Transition)

    • Positive Cases: 69-136

    • County Positivity Rate: 8 to 10%

  • Distance Learning

    • Positive Cases: more than 136

    • County Positivity Rate: more than 10%

“This is a very positive development,” said Valeree Lane, Public Information Officer for Klamath County Public Health. “Both school districts will benefit from this change. If we look at the last two weeks, our metrics put us in “on-site and distance learning” column. In the last two weeks we had 25 cases, or 37 per 100,000. Our test positivity rate for the same time was 2.9%. At the very least, all schools in Klamath County can move to a hybrid model, coupling distance learning and on-site instruction. Seeing our children and youth back in school is the best treat we could ask for the Halloween weekend.”

“We appreciate the support we received from parents and public health officials in promoting schools reopening for in-person instruction,” said Glen Szymoniak, Superintendent of Klamath County School District. “We will continue to be diligent with safety and health protocols in keeping schools safe for students.”


All public and private schools are responsible for understanding their schools’ data to determine the safest instructional model to operate. New metrics data is released each Monday. Using a single, two week “look back” of your schools’ data, start with the left-hand side column to map your county case rate or county case count (whichever applies) to the instruction model in the columns to follow.

Once metrics are met, schools may work toward implementing on-site or hybrid instruction within a two-week period, in order to support district planning, family communication and a more gradual opening. Schools’ should follow the instructions to transition or implement Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL) as the table indicates.

Complete metrics are found between pages 12-23 in the Read Schools, Safe Learners plan at the bottom of this article.


Additional information located in the report includes exemptions for schools impacted by wildfires, low population density, and small remote schools. The report also includes Public Health Protocols, School Operations, Responses to an Outbreak, Equity, Instruction, Engagement, Health, and Personnel.

The full report - Ready Schools, Safe Learners Guidance for School Year 2020-21, as of October 30, 2020 is available below or download a copy HERE.

See this content in the original post

Safety Reminders

Schools are structured settings where we can reduce risk of COVID-19 transmission through key practices. Oregon’s Ready Schools, Safe Learners guidance requires schools to comply with specific guidelines on:

  • Physical distancing

  • Face coverings

  • Hand hygiene

  • Cohorting

  • Cleaning and disinfecting

  • Airflow and ventilation

  • And, effective screening, and responses to cases with quick access to testing and implementing isolation and quarantining

School safety and other COVID-19 school related questions can be answered by emailing ODECOVID19@ode.state.or.us

If you believe a school is not in compliance with the safety requirements you can file a named or confidential complaint with Oregon OSHA at 1-833-604-0884 or online at: https://osha.oregon.gov/workers/Pages/index.aspx

“These metrics depend on the public doing its part to reduce Oregon’s case rates so that all of our children can return to in-person instruction,” Gill said. “Oregonians can reduce spread and send our kids back to school by wearing a face covering, maintaining distance, washing hands frequently, and avoiding group gatherings.”

Other changes to the Ready Schools, Safe Learners guidance include:

  • Aligning with the most recent face covering requirements from Oregon Health Authority (Pages 32-35).

  • Adding a link to the Tribal Consultation Toolkit (Page 77).

  • An exclusion guide (30).

  • Aligning to recent CDC changes to “close contact” definition (29).