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Native plant sales, walks planned

Mockorange is among the native shrubs and trees being offered in a plant sale March 30 at the Klamath County Museum. (Submitted Photo)

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – A series of events designed to encourage use of native plants in landscaping and restoration projects will be offered in Klamath Falls this year.

The events are cosponsored by the Klamath Soil and Water Conservation District, the Klamath County Museum and the Klamath Basin Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Oregon.

“We had a series of native plant events that were very well received last year, and we’re hoping to do even more this year,” said Todd Kepple, manager of the Klamath County Museum.

A sale of low-cost bare root native tree seedlings and shrubs is planned for 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, March 30, at the museum, 1451 Main St.

Oregon ash, vine maple and Oregon white oak tree seedlings will be available. The list of shrubs expected to be available include redosier dogwood, serviceberry, Douglas spirea and mockorange. All plants will be sold for $1.50 each.

Because the trees are bare root, they should be planted within a day or two, Kepple said.

All of the plant species being offered have been growing for several years in a native plant garden at the museum, and can be viewed before the March 30 sale.

Anyone interested in ordering 10 or more of one species can make a prepaid reservation by stopping by or calling the Soil and Water Conservation at 1945 Main St., or calling (541) 883-6924.

Other events planned for later in the spring include native plant walks at the museum on April 27 and May 11, and a sale of wildflowers and shrubs on May 18.