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Native plant sale offered May 16

Wallflower is among the native plant species being offered in a plant sale May 16 at the Klamath County Museum. (Submitted photo)

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – Plants native to the Klamath Basin will be offered in a May 16 sale at the Klamath County Museum, 1451 Main St.

The sale is cosponsored by the Klamath County Museum and the Klamath Basin Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Oregon.

“Demand for native species that can be used in gardens and landscapes has been increasing year by year,” said Todd Kepple, manager of the Klamath County Museum. “These are all plants that are naturally acclimated to our cool and semi-arid climate.”

All orders for the sale must be made by calling the museum at (541) 882-1000 no later than 5 p.m. May 13. Payment will be taken over the phone. Each customer will be assigned a time to pick up their order at the museum on May 16.

Orders cannot be placed in person as the museum is closed due to the coronavirus.

Cost will be $4 for plants in 3.5-inch pots, and $8 to $12 for larger plants in 1- or 2-gallon pots.

Shrub species being offered include serviceberry, curl-leaf mountain mahogany, fernbush, green rabbitbrush, mockorange, golden currant and purple sage.

Wildflowers available include columbine, sulphur buckwheat, arrowleaf buckwheat, davidson’s penstemon, gumweed, golden aster, globemallow, spreading phlox, checkermallow, Oregon sunshine, wallflower, coyote mint and mountain hollyhock.

Bunchgrasses include Idaho fescue and prairie junegrass.

For a complete list of plants that can be ordered, visit klamathmuseum.org.

Other species may be available for purchase on the day of the sale, depending on availability from nurseries.

Most of the plant species being offered have been growing for several years in a native plant garden at the museum, and can be viewed before the May 16 sale.