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Modoc NF - Fire restrictions lifted, prescribed burning to begin

ALTURAS, Calif.— The arrival of fall weather means campfires will once again be permitted on the Modoc National Forest beginning Friday, Sept. 20, 2019, when forest officials will lift the forest order implementing fire-safety restrictions. Wetter weather also means prescribed burning operations will begin soon.

Several prescribed fires are planned for implementation by Modoc National Forest Fire and Fuels personnel this fall and continuing into spring when conditions permit. These projects are designed to reduce the severity of future wildfires, promote more diverse and resilient forests and improve wildlife habitat.

Prescribed fires have a specific set of conditions that must be met prior to ignition of the fuels. Weather, fuel moisture, smoke impacts, coordination with cooperating agencies and—above all—public and firefighter safety are all part of the prescription known as a burn plan. Each burn will have its own plan.

Planned prescribed fire projects include:

  • Greensprings (T46N R12E Sec 2; T47N R12E Sec 22, 26, 27, 34 and 35), 732-900 acres

  • Weed Valley (T48N R10E Sec 25, 26 and 35), 60 acres

  • Fender (T45N R14E Sec 3,4,33,34), 181-287 acres

Fire and Fuels crews are also planning to burn slash piles created as a result of forest-health projects at various locations across the forest. Though these operations may affect traffic on short road segments during active firing operations, every precaution is taken to limit impacts to local communities.

One objective is to minimize impacts on those visiting the forest. A limited number of nearby trails, roads and/or campgrounds may be inaccessible for short periods during these operations. Fuels planners rely on forecasts to minimize impacts from smoke, however, smoke will be visible and may briefly settle in some areas due to variable weather conditions.

More information will be available as required on the web at http://www.fs.usda.gov/modoc/.

Klamath Falls News coverage of the 2019 Wildfire Season is brought to you by Ace Towing and Turn Thom Point S.