Klamath Falls News

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Message from Mayor Westfall

The following is a letter to the Citizens of Klamath Falls by Mayor Carol Westfall.

Dear Citizens of Klamath Falls,

We are living in unprecedented times and our hearts go out to all those affected by COVID-19 and their families. As such, we have learned much about the virus and our Governor has taken a proactive approach in reducing the spread. These measures are working, but we all must participate.

It is imperative as citizens of our great community, to take responsibility in reducing the spread of COVID-19. This means “Stay at Home and Save Lives.” Social distance of six feet, sanitize frequently used spaces, avoid touching face (nose, eyes, and mouth), and wash hands thoroughly.

Let us continue to band together and work as a united community, supporting each other through these difficult times. I am profoundly moved by the outpouring of support that I have witnessed from our amazing citizens.

I see our community taking care of one another with Social Distance and wearing protective face mask. Please continue making masks for yourselves, family members, friends, and front-line responders. Instructions for making masks can be found on the Sky Lakes website or at (https://www.skylakes.org/media/1972/tater-patch_mask-instructions_03-22-2020.pdf).

Thank you to our first responders for their hard work and sacrifice. Take advantage of this time at home with your loved ones and reach out to those via technology who maybe isolated by these measures. Please continue to stay positive and creative in navigating for the defeat of this virus. Together, we will overcome.

Stay calm and healthy,

Carol Westfall
Mayor, City of Klamath Falls

Source: City of Klamath Falls