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Men’s health awareness for November 2021

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November is Men’s Health Awareness Month, which draws attention to prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention. Many men will grow a mustache this month. For 30 days a mustache turns men into a walking, talking billboard for men’s health.

The graphic from https://us.movember.com/mens-health%20 provides a snapshot of men’s health in the United States.

Among the factors in men’s poor health are:

  • Lack of awareness and understanding of the health issues men face

  • Men not openly discussing their health and how they’re feeling

  • Reluctance to take action when men don’t feel physically or mentally well

  • Men engaging in risky activities that threaten their health

  • Stigmas surrounding mental health

  • Men are 24 percent less likely than women to have visited a doctor within the past year

Here are five things to know and do to promote men’s health:

  1. Spend time with people who make you feel good. Stay connected. Your friends are important and spending time with them is good for you. Catch up regularly, check in, and make time.

  2. Talk, more. You don’t need to be an expert and you don’t have to be the sole solution, but being there for someone, listening, and giving your time can be life-saving.

  3. Know the numbers. At 50, talk to your doctor about prostate cancer and whether it’s right for you to have a PSA test. If you are of African or Caribbean descent or have a father or brother with prostate cancer, you should be having this conversation at 45. Know your numbers. Know your risk. Talk to your doctor.

  4. Know what is normal for your testicles. Give them a regular check and go to the doctor if something doesn’t feel right.

  5. Move, more. Add more activity to your day. Do what makes you feel good. Take a walking meeting. Park further from your destination. Take the stairs.

Above all, don’t hesitate to reach out for support. For more information, visit https://us.movember.com/mens-health/general