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Local unemployment rate up from a year ago

The Klamath County unemployment rate is up from this time last year - 6.3% March 2017 to 7.3% March 2017

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The employment situation was little changed in March. Hiring remained consistent with seasonal patterns and the unemployment rates were largely unchanged.

Klamath County

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was little changed in the past month. The rate was 7.3 percent in March and 7.4 percent in February. The rate remains up from this time last year when it was 6.3 percent.

Klamath County added 100 jobs in March, typical hiring for this time of year.

Total nonfarm employment was down 350 jobs compared with last March (-1.5%). Job losses were concentrated in professional and business services (-170) and local government (-160). There was relatively strong hiring in health services, and food and beverage stores.

Oregon and South Central Oregon Unemployment Rates

Lake County

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was largely unchanged at 6.8 percent in March. The rate was 5.6 percent in March 2018.

Lake County’s employment situation was little changed in March, which is not uncommon for this time of year. Over the past year, the county added 20 jobs (+1%). Notable gains were in health services, which added 20 jobs. The only notable job losses were in federal government, with employment levels down by 20 jobs. However, this isn’t too concerning as federal land management agencies don’t typically begin seasonal hiring until later in spring.


Press release provided from the State of Oregon Employment Department.