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Liskey Wins Oregon Farm Bureau Award

Sue Liskey (middle) of Klamath-Lake County Farm Bureau was honored with the 2018 Outstanding County Farm Bureau Secretary Award during the 86th OFB Annual Meeting, which took place Dec. 4-6 in Salem. She was presented the award by OFB President Sharon Waterman and Logan Kerns, chair of the OFB Membership Committee, on Dec. 6. Submitted Photo.

Susan Liskey of Klamath-Lake County Farm Bureau was honored with the 2018 Outstanding County Farm Bureau Secretary Award during the 86th Oregon Farm Bureau (OFB) Annual Meeting, which took place Dec. 4-6 in Salem.

“As a grassroots organization, a County Farm Bureau is only as operational as its secretary,” said Logan Kerns, chair of the OFB Membership Committee. “After an impressive 18 years serving as secretary for Klamath-Lake County Farm Bureau, I’m honored to give this award to Sue in recognition of her hard work, dedication, and effectiveness.”

Besides keeping the Klamath-Lake County Farm Bureau’s materials organized and the books in order, Liskey manages the county’s scholarship program, organizes the county’s annual meeting, coordinates events throughout the year, and keeps members informed of Farm Bureau activities happening at the local, state, and national levels.

“I was very surprised to receive this award and am very grateful to my county board for nominating me,” said Liskey. 

“I believe that Farm Bureau is the greatest organization to belong to because it works very hard for its grassroots membership of farmers and ranchers — the people who are the foundation of every community,” she said.

“Through my involvement in Farm Bureau, I’ve gained so many friends,” said Liskey. “I’ve also had the opportunity to travel to different places throughout the United States and connect with people who are on the same page, talking the same language, and working hard to promote our way of life. In agriculture, we have to stick together.” 

Press release provided from the Oregon Farm Bureau.