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Lightning Fires Continue Cropping up on Modoc NF

ALTURAS, Calif.— No lightning has been recorded on the Modoc National Forest in the last couple days, but lighting fires continue to present themselves and fire crews continue to get a handle on them.

Modoc Interagency Communications Center reports 31 active fires with varying levels of containment. Crews called two fires out yesterday and two new fires were discovered yesterday afternoon by the aerial reconnaissance plane.

The Round Fire is in a private timber plantation within the forest’s protection area south of Long Meadow. It was held at 3.6 acres last night with 20-percent containment, and was reported as holding well this morning. The Dry Fire south of Deer Hill Reservoir was last reported at 0.1 acres.

The Meadows Fire near Janes Reservoir held at 60 acres yesterday and containment increased to 90 percent. It was showing little smoke, but will remain high priority for today. The Conklin Fire on the east side of the Warner Mountains was called contained at 6:30 p.m.

The Plum Fire north of Clear Lake on the Doublehead Ranger District was last reported at four acres and 75-percent contained. The Three Springs Fire west of Goose Lake was held at five acres, showing some smoke. Crews will continue mopping up there today.

All other known fires on the forest remain at less than one acre. More activity is expected as high heat will continue through the week and lightning is predicted again for the weekend.

The Modoc National Forest is planning to enact fire-safety restrictions beginning Friday, July 20. Information on fire-safety restrictions on the Modoc National Forest is available at https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/modoc/alerts-notices. Neighboring land-management agencies are also entering fire restrictions. Please see the appropriate website for more information.

Press release provided by Modoc National Forest.

Klamath Falls News coverage of the 2018 Wildfire Season is brought to you by Excel Auto Body.

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