Klamath Falls News

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Letter to the Editor: Laudable Parks Advisory Board

Letter to the Editor by, Kate Murphey, Klamath Falls

I had the opportunity to sit in on the two Park Advisory Board meetings dealing with the issue of renaming Kit Carson Park. The members of the Advisory Board serve as volunteers and I suspect they never anticipated being put in the middle of a difficult political situation. However, the members did accept this assignment.

More than 1,000 survey responses were received following the Board’s request for community input It appeared that the Board members had individually taken the time to review and consider all the responses to the survey.

Several members expressed their desire to act in a way that would bring our community together. They realized that some in the community would be unhappy with whatever their final recommendation to the City Council. The Board discussed several courses of action and eventually voted on the current recommendation. As part of their recommendation, they felt strongly that the city needed to include a substantial educational component dealing with all the relevant history.

We owe our gratitude to the women and men on the Advisory Board for their diligence in studying and making a recommendation on the renaming of Kit Carson Park. As a community we can be proud of the thoughtful, respectful and conscientious manner in which they do business.

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