Klamath Falls News

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Letter to the Editor: Good ol' boys aren't to good

Letter to the Editor by, Stuart Nelson

Kaber has asked for another exception to policy for a friend or family member, which prompted me to do a little bit of my own research.

After speaking with a few friends in the community, I did a little research on Sheriff Kaber and the “Good Ol’ Boy” network in Klamath county. Were you aware that Sheriff Kaber’s “team” was involved in hiring our new EMS Manager and the KCSO Public Information Officer: Brandon Fowler? Sheriff Kaber has asked the Klamath County Commisioners for a pay raise for Mr. Fowler on at least three occasions since he was hired.

These instances are public information and The BOCC has approved Mr. Kaber’s demand.

What is particularly troubling is that Mr. Fowler is unqualified for the position. However, Mr. Fowler was a major contributor to Mr. Kaber’s first campaign in 2016 and Mr. Fowler’s wife is one of the largest contributors to Sheriff Kaber’s current campaign.

Mr. Fowler is also heavily involved in Kabers current campaign and Mr. Kaber and the BOCC are completely unethical and should be removed from office.

Shame on all of them! Don’t believe me? Do a little research on your own. It’s all public information and its all recorded online in the meeting minutes.

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