Klamath Falls News

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Lake of the Woods Vegetation Project public meeting this Saturday

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – There will be a public meeting Saturday, July 6 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. to discuss the proposed Lake of the Woods Vegetation Project on the Klamath Ranger District of the Fremont-Winema National Forest.

The meeting will be held at the Mt. McLaughlin Boy Scout Camp, located on Forest Service Road 3601, also known as Lake of the Woods Westside Road, approximately a half mile south of Oregon State Highway 140 between Klamath Falls and Medford.

The Lake of the Woods Vegetation Project is proposed to address hazard trees around infrastructure including cabins, campgrounds, roads and powerlines, as well as reduce fuel accumulations around Lake of the Woods.

A public scoping period was recently provided.  More than 1,100 letters were received by the Forest.

“The strong public response to the scoping period validates that Lake of the Woods is a special place to many people,” said Klamath District Ranger Heather Berg.  “This meeting is being held on July Fourth weekend to make it accessible to the people who live and play in the project area and may be the most directly affected and interested.”

For more information about the public meeting, please contact the Klamath Ranger District Office at 541-883-6714.

For more information on the Fremont-Winema National Forest, visit www.fs.usda.gov/fremont-winema, follow the Forest on Twitter @FremontWinemaNF or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/R6FWNF.