Klamath Falls News

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Klamath Tribes act on Coronavirus, cancel C'waam, powwow, and basketball tournament

File photo: Klamath Tribes C’Waam March 23, 2019 (Brandon Gailey / Klamath Falls News)

CHILOQUIN, Ore. - After careful consideration of all the recent Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments, the Klamath Tribal Council and the Klamath Tribes Incident Management Team have decided to postpone upcoming tribal events.

These include all tribally sponsored activities, spring break activities, the Klamath All-Indian Basketball Tournament, and the C’waam Ceremony and powwow. In addition, business travel outside of Klamath County by tribal employees is restricted and will be monitored on a case by case basis by the respective General Managers.

Tribal Chairman Don Gentry stated, “We are not trying to create panic, but we are encouraging everyone to take the recommended preventative measures. Tribal leadership is taking every step to ensure the safety and health of our tribal members and the local community.”

According to Zak Jackson the Klamath Tribes Emergency Manager, “Prevention is our best effort in protection from the spread of COVID-19.” Prevention measures include:

  • Cover coughs and sneezes with tissue and throw in trash

  • Wash hands frequently and/or use hand sanitizer

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands

  • Clean and disinfect surfaces that are often touched

Follow Center for Disease Control (CDC) travel guidance Tribal leadership will continue to closely monitor the situation and will provide news updates as necessary.

Source: Klamath Tribes