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Klamath Falls City Schools will be online at the start of the 2020-21 school year

File Photo (Image: Brian Gailey)

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - In a message to parents, students, and staff, Klamath Falls City School Superintendent, Dr. Paul Hillyer announced that students will begin the 2020-21 school year online during the first 6-week grading period.

Below is the message from Dr. Hillyer:

Good day, Klamath Falls City Schools parents. This is City Schools superintendent, Paul Hillyer. The state has established recent stringent guidelines for school in-person opening for the new school year. These requirements require low numbers of new infections in Klamath County (seven or less) for seven consecutive days for three weeks in a row and a low positive testing rate (less than five percent) both in the county and the state for seven consecutive days for three straight weeks. Klamath County has been over the set limits of new positive cases for three out of the last four weeks.

Due to these numbers of local cases and to help parents and staff adequately prepare for the next school year, KFCS is announcing today we will start the school in comprehensive distance learning for the first six weeks of the school year – through October 16 and will re-evaluate in early October for the second six-week period.

The good news is that in anticipation of this possibility, the district purchased a robust distance learning platform called Canvas last month. We also trained teacher leaders, called Canvas Coaches, in each school to help implement the new system effectively. All teachers will have training and time to implement the Canvas platform before the first student day, September 8.

The KFCS board of education has prioritized having students back in school buildings as soon as possible. However, an even higher priority is to have safe and healthy conditions for students and staff.

Please be watching your text messages and emails over the next days and weeks as many more updates and further information will be sent your way. Best wishes to you and your families as we navigate these difficult times together.

Paul Hillyer, KFCS Superintendent

Source: Klamath Falls City Schools