Klamath Falls News

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Klamath County expected to move from 'extreme' to 'high'

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – Klamath County Public Health (KCPH) officials report nine new cases of COVID-19. The local case count is 2,689. This week’s total is nine.

The reporting week runs from Sunday through Saturday.

It is anticipated that in tomorrow’s news release from the Governor’s Office that Klamath County will move from Extreme Risk to High Risk in the statewide risk level framework. This allows the county to have additional options, detailed in the Oregon Health Authority guidance pertaining to restaurants and venues.

Complete framework information is available at https://coronavirus.oregon.gov/Pages/living-with-covid-19.aspx#currentrisklevelbycountymap.

In the previous two weeks, Klamath County had 131 cumulative cases.

To move from Extreme Risk, Klamath County had to have less than 200 cases per 100,000 population. Klamath County has a population of about 68,000, which becomes 68% of 200 for movement. That number is 136.

Another factor for movement is the case positivity rate. Movement to High Risk required two weeks below 10% test positivity. The last two weeks were 5.8% and 7.1%, respectively.

Klamath County totals

To protect yourself:

  • Keep your distance by maintaining six feet of social or physical distancing between yourself and others.

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, utilizing hand sanitizer when washing facilities are not available.

  • Sanitize surfaces that are often touched.

  • Avoid gatherings of any size where social or physical distancing is not possible.

To protect others around you:

  • Cover coughs and sneezes.

  • Stay home when sick.

  • Wear a clean mask in public spaces, including outdoors when six feet of social distance cannot be maintained.