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KCC Sees Fall Term Gains in Enrollment

Klamath Community College, File Photo (Brian Gailey)

KLAMATH FALLS – In the fourth week of fall term, Klamath Community College enrollment was up 10 percent from fall term 2016. Fall term began Sept. 25. Fourth-week reporting is significant because enrollment information for that week is reported from statewide public community colleges and four-year universities to the Higher Education Coordinating Committee.

As of then, 2,217 students were enrolled at KCC, according to Institutional Researcher Bill Jennings.

“KCC’s college-wide full-time enrollment is firmly up for fall term, with steady increases in both non-credit and GED/ESL student enrollment streams,” said Julie Murray-Jensen, vice president of enrollment and external affairs. “As of today, across the college, more than 200 additional students will be served by KCC this fall as compared to last, which is great news for the college and our community.”

According to Jennings, 160 students have enrolled in GED and ESL courses this fall in KCC’s Klamath Center for Education and Training – a 40 percent increase from the same time last fall.

Chip Massie, KCC director of workforce development, said the college’s focus on providing educational opportunities that serve local businesses is paying off, as well.

“We are tailoring our credit and non-credit workforce training and education to align with local needs in health care, business management and retail, and emergency response industries. Many of our courses lead to national and state certifications and land students in high-paying jobs,” Massie said.

Jennings noted that KCC still has plenty of room to grow and that the college will continue adding programs that support community and economic development.

“We haven’t reached the capacity the community needs us to be at,” he said.

Another part of the enrollment boost is thanks to partnerships with Klamath and Lake County high schools.

“We’re continually expanding the opportunities for high school students to engage in college credit,” Jennings said.

Online enrollment is also up 10 percent, Jennings said, pointing out that online classes are allowing students to have more flexible learning schedules, making education more accessible than ever.