Klamath Falls News

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January is birth defects prevention month

The following is a press release from Klamath County Public Health

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - Personal health begins long before we are born. It’s amazing to think about how each of us was a cell in our mother’s forming body within our grandmother’s womb.

Such intricate detail in development can sometimes go astray, leading to birth defects. Klamath County Public Health has two programs that help families and children have a healthier future.

These programs can help:

  • Coordination of services, such as between local providers and families

  • Find important care services as close to your home as possible

  • Give support in times of stress and crisis

  • Identify developmental problems early

  • Monitoring of development

  • Parents find resources to meet needs

  • Provide medical and legal information about your child's condition

  • Screen children who are at risk and monitor their progress

  • Teach special techniques for caring for your child

Babies First!
Babies First! is a home visiting program for newborn children up to five years old. Public Health nurses regularly work closely with your doctor and clinic to perform home visits to monitor growth and development. 

Learn more at https://www.klamathcounty.org/452/Babies-First.

CaCoon is a care coordination program for families that have children with special health needs, from birth to age 21. CaCoon's goal is to help you and your family learn new skills to become as independent as possible in caring for your child. The program is a cooperative effort between families and health care providers. 

Learn more at https://www.klamathcounty.org/453/CaCoon

National resources
National Birth Defects Prevention Network resources for families: https://www.nbdpn.org/pwg/resources_for_families.php