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‘It’s our way of saying thank you’

Barbershop gives back with free haircuts and BBQ for troops

Terrance Hunter, Owner of Sammy’s Parlor provides a free haircut to a member of the military last Sunday. September 29, 2019 (Image: Brian Gailey / Klamath Falls News)

Hunter concentrates on providing a crispy haircut for a member of the military. September 29, 2019. (Image: Brian Gailey / Klamath Falls News)

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - This past Sunday, Terrance Hunter and his crew held an event that provided free haircuts to anyone who is currently serving or has served in the military. “They do so much for us, it is the least we can do for them,” says Terrance Hunter owner of Sammy’s Parlor in Klamath Falls.

About 60 people attended the 8-hour event. According to Hunter, attendance for the event came in waves, at times a little busier with a short wait, other times troops were able to walk in and up to a chair.

“Many of the guys you seen in here today are regular customers of ours, we know these people, we see many of them monthly,” said Hunter. “With this [event], it’s our way of saying thank you to them for the selfless service they do for us and our country.”

Hunter and his crew also offered a free BBQ tri-tip lunch to anyone who wanted one. Lunch was served by members of the Oregon Tech Hustlin’s Owls Basketball Team.

“This is a type of thing I feel we are supposed to do,” continued Hunter. “As a small business owner, I feel you should give back to the community that supports your business – it’s just the right thing to do.”

Tague Larson adds the finishing touches to a free haircut for a member of the military. The crew of Sammy’s Parlor provided free haircuts for active and retired military personnel this past Sunday. September 29, 2019 (Image: Brian Gailey / Klamath Falls News)

When asked what this event meant to him, Tauge Larson a Barber at Sammy’s Parlor was excited, “If feels good giving back. Most of the people I have seen today we know already, and they appreciate what we are doing.”

“Thank you for serving,” says Hunter. “I don’t want to sound cliché, but freedom is not free, and these folks are doing things, sacrificing in ways many of the rest of us could not. Thank you.”