Klamath Falls News

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Heat Wave this Week Upper 90's for Basin

Heat Wave graphic. National Weather Service.

Temperatures will reach the triple digits across the valleys west of the Cascades and northern California. Meanwhile, highs will soar into the upper 90s for many areas east of the Cascades.

Overnight temperatures will be quite warm during this time as well so there will be little relief from the heat at night. If you’re looking for a break from the heat, head to the coast or to the mountains. 


Tips from Pacific Power to be share and stay cool while using less energy

With forecasts predicting triple-digit temperatures throughout Southern Oregon over the coming week, Pacific Power wants to remind customers to stay safe and use these tips to beat the heat, use less energy and save money.

Stay hydrated and watch for others

  • Drink water and stay out of direct sunlight as much as possible. Use hats and sunscreen.
  • Check on neighbors who you know have few outside contacts. Keep a close eye on children and pets to make sure they have water available and have some place to cool down.

Don’t let the sun shine in

  • On hot days, close blinds and drapes, especially in south-facing windows which allow in the most heat.

Open windows in the evening and circulate cool air

  • Open windows in the evening and early morning to let in cool air. Be aware, however, of any safety or security issues.
  • Use fans to bring in and circulate cool air. Ceiling and window fans use less electricity than an air conditioner when the compressor is engaged. Running an air conditioner in fan-only mode can also be effective as outside temperatures drop.

Reduce the heat inside

  • Use heat-producing appliances like ovens, dishwashers and dryers in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler.
  • Grill outside or use a microwave or toaster oven. A toaster oven uses one-third to one-half as much energy as a regular oven and releases less heat into the home.
  • Turn off heat-generating devices when not in use, including lamps, televisions and computers.

Be air conditioner smart

  • Set your thermostat at 78 degrees. This will keep you comfortable and cooling your house below that temperature can increase your air conditioning bill as much as 8 percent.
  • Don’t turn off the air conditioner when you’re gone; instead set it higher, at 85 degrees. That setting allows your air conditioner to use less electricity to cool the house than if the air conditioning has been off all day, but doesn’t shut down altogether.
  • Your air conditioner will operate most efficiently if you trim nearby foliage to allow adequate air flow around the unit.
  • Don’t block inside distribution vents with furniture or other objects.
  • In the Northwest, less than half of all residences have air conditioning. Take advantage of malls, theatres or other public places that do have cooling systems.

Finally, be aware of fire danger

  • Electrical safety: Any spark can lead to a fire under current tinder dry conditions. Check any electrical connections on your property in out buildings or any temporary lines run to recreational vehicles or outside lighting. Are any wires or extension cords damaged or frayed? After a thorough inspection, take appropriate steps to reduce any risk.
  • Create a zone around your house that will slow any wildfire down and possibly direct it around your home. To do this, you must view your yard as a fuel source. Fire will only burn if fuel is present. Fuel can be your landscaping, woodpiles, decks, etc.

Information provided by National Weather Service and Pacific Power.