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Governor Kate Brown on Increased High School Graduation Rates

Statewide average jumps 2 percentage points over previous year, 6.7 points over four years; all student groups see gains  

Salem, OR — Governor Kate Brown today commended Oregon students and teachers for an almost seven-point jump in graduation rates during her administration.   

“How our state provides for the needs of our children is a marker of who we are as a community. Every student in Oregon deserves an education that sets them up for success and helps them graduate from high school with a plan for their future,” said Governor Kate Brown. “These graduation rates show our work to close opportunity gaps with targeted investments is making a difference in the lives of students. To build on this progress, I am dedicated to re-investing in our schools to bring them back to a level we can be proud of.”

To further improve graduation rates, Governor Brown is proposing a $2 billion investment in education that dedicates $794 million to reduce class sizes in early grades and lengthen the school year, $133 million to fully fund the High School Success (Measure 98) program, $7.7 million for Native American student programs and a $6 million increase for the African American/Black Student Success program.

The two-point jump this year represented the largest change in year-over-year graduation rates since the current data calculation methodology was implemented.

More detail on statewide and district-level graduation rates can be found on the Oregon Department of Education website.

Press release provided from Office of Kate Brown, Governor of Oregon.


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