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Fungi Subject of Native Plant Program

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – A program on plants that depend on soil fungi to survive will be the topic of a program Monday, March 5, at the monthly meeting of the Klamath Basin Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Oregon.

The program begins at 6:30 p.m. in the back meeting room of the Klamath County Museum, 1451 Main St. The meeting is open to anyone interested.

“Fungi are a large diverse group of organisms that are often overlooked due to their cryptic nature,” said Sarah Malaby, a retired Forest Service botanist who will present the program. “Many species evolved in close association with vascular plants, resulting in interesting plant-fungi and plant-fungi-insect interactions. “

Malaby will discuss fungi that mimic flowers, plants that parasitize fungi, and endophytic fungi that provide protection to their plant hosts. 

For more information on the Native Plant Society call (541) 281-9933.

Press release provided by Klamath County Museum.